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Crane® Composites FRP Products at Tejas Materials, Inc.

For construction customers across TX

A subsidiary of Crane Company, Crane Composites Inc., is the world's leading provider of fiber-reinforced composite materials.

At Tejas Materials, Inc. we specialize in offering products that strongly support our customers' drives for success. That's why Crane® Composites FRP supplies are available* for order or pickup at any of our yards in Texas, or can be delivered directly to your commercial or residential jobsites.

*Inventory varies by location. Call your local yard to confirm specific product availability. If we do not have a product in stock at your local yard, we will be glad to order it for you.

FRP for Your Local TX Construction

For builders in Texas, Tejas Materials offers a wide selection of quality FRP products from Crane Composites for commercial and residential construction projects.

Available in multiple lengths and colors, our inventory of FRP Wall and Ceiling Panels includes:

  • Class A embossed wall (Sequentia) and embossed ceiling (Glasbord) FRP panels
  • Class C embossed (Sequentia), smooth (Glasbord), or sandstone (Varietex) panels
  • Sanigrid embossed ceiling panels
  • Glasbord FRP panels with Surfaseal®

Available in a variety of colors, Tejas Materials offers Crane FRP Division Bars including:

  • Kemlite, Sequentia FRP division bars
  • Standard aluminum FRP division bars

FRP Corners, End Caps, and Trim are available in a variety of colors and lengths, including:

  • Inside and outside FRP corners and trim (Kemlite)
  • FRP outside angles and end caps (Sequentia)
  • Silhouette Trims end caps
  • Standard aluminum FRP inside and outside corners

Ceiling Systems, Adhesives, Fasteners, and other FRP Accessories

  • Ceiling grid system cross tees and SG203 wall angles (Sanigrid II)
  • FRP rivets (Sequentia and Kemlite)
  • Hold-down clips for 3/32" x 9/32" panels (Sanigrid II)
  • Pre-tooling mist and Color Sil caulks (Color Rite)
  • FRP Fast Grab adhesive – 4 gallon (Kemlite)
  • Crane Composites advanced polymer adhesive – 3.5 gallon

The Crane Company is proud to certify that its quality FRP products sold under the trusted brand names Glasbord, Sequentia, Filon, Noble, ArmorTuf and Kemlite are domestic end products manufactured or produced in the United States of America.

Contact us to learn more.

Buy Crane Composites FRP at Tejas Materials in TX

Texas builders and construction pros – let us help you pick the perfect Crane FRP products for your unique project needs. Tejas Materials is here to help.

Use your online account to request a quote or start your order now.

Don’t have an online account yet? Request an online account now. Our Customer Portal can help you work smarter and faster. Talk to your salesperson or contact us at your local yard.

About Tejas Materials

Tejas Materials is a proud member of the GMS family of companies. Since 1987, we have served both commercial and residential customers, offering a comprehensive inventory of construction supplies from our yards in Houston (Cunningham Rd. & Weber St.) and Spring, Texas. Our employees pride themselves on being hardworking, safe, and professional. Whether you need drywall, insulation, acoustical tile, tools, or other construction accessories, Tejas Materials has your southeast Texas construction needs covered.

About Crane Composites

For 60+ years, the Crane Company has been advancing technologies and improving the quality of industrial and commercial product applications. From manufacturing facilities in Illinois, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Indiana, Crane serves a diverse client base worldwide. Those customers have come to rely on Crane as their trusted partner in providing the highest quality composite and FRP materials for residential and commercial construction.